About Us
Learn More About Our Community

Arma was incorporated as a City of the 3rd class on May 18th 1909. This area of land had previously been known as Rust (a small coal camp laid out in 1886).
- The City was named for William F. Armacost, one of the owners of the land that lay north and east of the camp.
- Arma is situated in the center of a rich bituminous coal deposit, which accounts for many of the earlier mines located around this area. Local stories can be read at Arma Kansas History .
- This region's mining history (including Arma, Pittsburg, Mulberry, and 50 Camp) can be explored a few minutes south of us at the Miners Hall Museum, in the resilient community of Franklin, KS.
About Service
Learn More About Our Services
We Provide:
Our community has all the necessary services you need to not only protect your home, but to make it even better! From automotive to landscaping, our community has the skills and experience to make living here an easy choice.

All of the High Speed Internet
Internet access is key to Education, Business, and Personal growth. Our community has rock solid choices for these needs including Cox Communications and
CrawKan Internet.

Quiet Neighborhoods
Everyone needs a place to live and step back from the noise and hustle. Our neighborhoods have Available Rental Housing that are perfect quiet zones.

Northeast's K-12 School
Northeast USD 246 is located in Crawford County in southeast Kansas. The district serves an area of approximately 106 square miles of rural area including the towns of Arcadia, Arma, Franklin and Mulberry.
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